Best Mouthguards for Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) – Custom & Affordable Options

Best Mouthguards for Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) – Custom & Affordable Options

Have you ever passed through a painful experience known as teeth grinding or bruxism? Teeth grinding can be really painful, affect your jaw, and make your teeth weaker. It is important to use the best mouthguard for teeth grinding and get protection from its side effects. 

This guide will help you to understand about the best mouthguard for teeth grinding. Here we discuss various types of mouthguards, the things to remember while choosing one of them, and some top options. 

Are you in search of custom made mouthgaurds or cheaper ones? Do not worry, because we will clear your confusion. So start discussing deep details and know which mouthguard is perfect to protect your teeth. 

What is bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?

The main reason for bruxism is grinding, clenching, or when you grind your teeth. This will occur when you are sleeping or awake. 

While grinding your teeth, there is pressure on your jaw or teeth. It will lead to headaches, jaw pain, or even damage your teeth. 

If you think you are grinding your teeth, urgently visit your doctor. They will help you figure out the cause and recommend the mouthgaurd for teeth grinding.

Symptoms of Bruxism

  • Jaw pain: Jaw pain is the most common symptom of bruxism. This is like a dull ache or sharp pain. 
  • Headaches: Bruxism can cause headaches, especially in the morning.
  • Toothache: If you're grinding your teeth, you may also experience tooth pain.
  • Earache: Bruxism can sometimes cause ear pain.
  • Facial pain: You may also feel pain in your face, especially around your temples.

Causes of Bruxism

There is no exact cause known for bruxism, but here are few factors that may be think the reason for pain. And these factors included:

  • Stress: Stress is often thought to be a major cause of bruxism.
  • Sleep disorders: People with sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, have more chance of having bruxism. 
  • Medications: Some medications can cause bruxism as a side effect.
  • Malocclusion: If the teeth are not the same or fit together properly, it also causes bruxism. 
  • Anxiety or depression: People with anxiety or depression may be more likely to grind their teeth.

Types of Mouth Guards

Boil and bite Mouth Guards

This is the best and most affordable option. You can boil them in hot, boiling water, bite them to adjust to your teeth, and wait for some time so it becomes cool. 


  • Affordable
  • Easy to use
  • Available at many stores


  • Not as comfortable or effective as custom-fit mouth guards
  • May not provide as much protection.
  • May need to be replaced more often.

Custom-Fit Mouth Guards

Custom-fit mouth guards are made by a dentist using an impression of your teeth. They are more expensive, but they are also more comfortable, effective, and durable.


  • More comfortable and effective
  • Better protection
  • More durable


  • More expensive
  • Requires a visit to the dentist

Best Mouth Guards for Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, which is also known as bruxism, is a very painful condition. It can cause headaches, jaw pain, and even damaged teeth. The perfect way to get out of this problem is by using a mouthguard. Mouthgaurds are of two types custom fit and boil and bite.

Custom-fit mouthguards are designed by a dentist for your teeth. These mouth gauges are made in a way that gives you full comfort while you are using them, but they are expensive. On the other hand, as compared to custom-fit mouthguards, the boil and bite mouthguards are a more affordable option. You can also make them by yourself at home by boiling them in hot water, then biting the molds to your teeth, and then letting them cool to get in the perfect position for your teeth.

Custom Fit vs. Boil-and-Bite Mouth Guards


Custom-Fit Mouth Guards

Boil-and-Bite Mouth Guards


Very comfortable

Less comfortable


More effective

Less effective


More durable

Less durable


More expensive

Less expensive


Highly customized

Less customized

Kiry Custom Night Guards (The Best Choice)

If you are suffering from a problem like teeth grinding, which usually disturbs your sleep, then Kiry Custom Night Guards is one of the best options for you. These custom-fit mouthguards protect your teeth from grinding and other teeth issues and make your sleep peaceful.

There are some advantages to buying Kiry Custom Night Guards:

  • Superior comfort: Kiry mouthguards are specially designed to ensure your comfort and fit perfectly.
  • Optimal protection: Kiry Custom Night Guards are made with high-quality advanced 3D printing technology, so this can protect your teeth perfectly.
  • Customizable options: You can easily make your perfect mold by yourself at home that fits perfectly.
  • Easy ordering process: The ordering process for Kiry Custom Night Guards is very easy and simple. 
Shop Now


What is bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition caused by grinding or clenching your teeth. The pain occurs suddenly without any symptoms and at any time while you are sleeping or awaken. But you can use the mouthguard for teeth grinding and get protection. 

What are the symptoms of bruxism?

Here are some symptoms given below:

  • Jaw pain
  • Headaches
  • Toothache
  • Earache
  • Facial pain

What causes bruxism?

There is no exact cause of bruxism, but here are some factors that may take part in boosting this disorder. These are:

  • Stress
  • Sleep disorders
  • Medications
  • Malocclusion
  • Anxiety or depression

What are the benefits of wearing a mouthguard?

When you wear the mouthguard, it can help you to protect your teeth and jaw from damage caused by bruxism. The best benefit to wearing them is that they lower jaw pain and headaches. 

Do mouth guards really help with teeth grinding?

Of course, mouthguards are an effective way to reduce the damage that occurs due to grinding. Moutgaurd can help you to prevent jaw pain, headaches, and tooth wear by making a barrier between upper and lower teeth. 

What type of mouth guard is best for grinding teeth?

Custom fit mouth guards are thought to be the best choice for teeth grinding. They are more amazing and comfortable and are used for the long term as compared to boil and bite mouthguards. 

What can I use instead of a mouth guard for grinding teeth?

If you are looking for permanent treatment of teeth grinding, then there is not any effective way to prevent your teeth. In case you have any symptoms of teeth grinding, then quickly contact your dentist and ask for his opinion, so he will give you the suggestion about treatment. 

What are the side effects of night guards?

Many people do not experience any side effects from wearing mouthguards. But some people face problems or irritation while wearing them. If you also have any issues, then talk to your doctor. 

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