How to make perfect impression

How to make perfect impression

          This article will detail the entire Kiry at-home impression process and highlight important considerations. These points will greatly assist you in achieving a successful impression.

Click to watch instruction video.

Preparation Stage:

  1. Please brush your teeth first.
  2. Choose the correct tray. We provide upper trays in large (#1) and medium (#3) sizes, and lower trays in large (#2), medium (#4), and small (#6) sizes.

Here are some key points about the trays:

  1. Suitability of the Tray: The right tray matches your dental arch, not just whether it fits in your mouth. A matching tray means your teeth can sit within the tray’s channels without any tooth touching the tray's edges.
  1. How to Better Insert the Tray: Many people find the tray too large to fit into their mouth. This is a common misconception. While the tray might seem wide, once it’s inside your mouth, it won't feel too big. After passing through the narrow mouth opening, the tray will have plenty of space to move around. You can use your fingers to gently stretch the corners of your mouth, making it easier for the tray to pass through. This way, even the largest tray can easily fit into your mouth.
  1. How to Determine if the Tray is Too Large or Too Small: Check if your back teeth touch the outer or inner side of the tray wall. If they touch the outer side, the tray is too small and you need a larger tray. If they touch the inner side, the tray is too large and you need a smaller one

Impression Stage

  1. Mix and knead one whole box of base putty and one whole box of catalyst putty repeatedly within 1 minute until they are a uniform color.


       a. A uniform color indicates thorough mixing. If you can still see any white putty, it means the mixture is not even, so continue kneading.

       b. You can stretch and knead the blue and white putty by pulling them apart, then combining them again, and repeating this process. This method ensures the best mixing results.

       c. This step must be completed within one minute. Otherwise, the putty will start to harden, resulting in a shallow impression when you bite down.


  1. Within 20 seconds, roll it into a hotdog shape, spread it evenly in the tray channel. Center your teeth on the tray tunnel, avoid tray touching. Hold the tray handles with your hand, then push the tray towards your teeth instead of using your teeth to bite down. Avoid applying secondary force —push deep enough in one go, avoid any movement from your teeth after biting down.



       a. You can first use a mirror to align your teeth with the tray channels, then bite down in one go. This will help avoid incorrect positioning on the first attempt and prevent a double bite issue.

       b. After biting down, keep your teeth still to avoid widening the impression due to movement, which would result in a loose-fitting night guard.


  1. Keep your teeth still for 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Use a phone or watch to time it, and make sure to keep the impression in your mouth for the full 3 minutes and 30 seconds before removing it.


  1. After completion, Do not take the impression out from the tray, rinse the impression with clean water, take a photo and send to our customer service email: customer@shopkiry.comfor a quality check.

Tips: Kiry usually replies to your email within 24 hours, if you don’t receive a response within 24 hours, please check your spam folder, it might be sent into it. If you still don’t find anything, you can just ship out the impressions without waiting.

  1. After the quality check passes, enclose it with the filled-out Customer Info Card, and return it in the prepaid label's bubble bag provided.

This is the entire Kiry at-home impression process. Doesn't it look simple? We always include an extra set of putty in each kit to give you an opportunity for error. We believe that after practicing once, you will become very proficient in completing future impression processes!

Feel free to place your order at Kiry

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